Poster 406 green pleasure security 1995
Original advertising poster from 1985.406 FRONT VIEW DARK GREEN ON WHITE BACKGROUND. Slogan “You will nolonger choose between pleasure and safety”.Dimensions: 120 x 90 cmGood condition (lower right corner dog-eared, lower border damaged).Rare poster and very limited quantity.Discount limited to -5% for active members of L’Aventure Peugeot andStellantis collaborators.SINAPS rating PI2016FIG-01284Rating AFF-093
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Original advertising poster from 1985.406 FRONT VIEW DARK GREEN ON WHITE BACKGROUND. Slogan “You will nolonger choose between pleasure and safety”.Dimensions: 120 x 90 cmGood condition (lower right corner dog-eared, lower border damaged).Rare poster and very limited quantity.Discount limited to -5% for active members of L’Aventure Peugeot andStellantis collaborators.SINAPS rating PI2016FIG-01284Rating AFF-093