It’s no fun having to clean the bottom of a carafe where there aretannins or lime scale deposits... Peugeot Bilbo cleaning beads do thework for...
The Peugeot "Revolution" carafe drainer ensures perfect drying withoutleaving a trace. This carafe drainer is a beautiful accessory that is asefficient as it is reliable.We often wonder where to dry our wine carafe after cleaning it! Peugeotbrings you the answer with the Revolution decanter drainer. This draineris the essential accessory to dry your carafe without risk. It keeps thecarafe upside down while allowing air to pass through, thus ensuringperfect, streak-free drying. Its spiral design has been designed to beboth aesthetic, solid, ultra stable and large enough to be able to placea large carafe on it.
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The Peugeot "Revolution" carafe drainer ensures perfect drying withoutleaving a trace. This carafe drainer is a beautiful accessory that is asefficient as it is reliable.We often wonder where to dry our wine carafe after cleaning it! Peugeotbrings you the answer with the Revolution decanter drainer. This draineris the essential accessory to dry your carafe without risk. It keeps thecarafe upside down while allowing air to pass through, thus ensuringperfect, streak-free drying. Its spiral design has been designed to beboth aesthetic, solid, ultra stable and large enough to be able to placea large carafe on it.