100 years of history for citroen

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Illustrated book "100 years of history for Citroen 1919 - 2019"BOOK IN FRENCH ONLYAndré Citroën is one of the most important figures in the automobileindustry. He introduced and revolutionized large-scale productionmethods to put the automobile within reach of as many people aspossible. His charisma and business management have allowed him tosurround himself with great talents to provide the best technologies.Its story now belongs to the collective memory, in France but alsobeyond its borders.This comic allows us to set sail and let ourselves be transported on ajourney through a century of history, under the pencil strokes of thesepassionate authors for the happiness of all nostalgic fans!Screenplay: Franck COSTE – Monique UDERZO-OTTDrawing: Tomas ARANDA – Toni BARBER – Joan BOR

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Illustrated book "100 years of history for Citroen 1919 - 2019"BOOK IN FRENCH ONLYAndré Citroën is one of the most important figures in the automobileindustry. He introduced and revolutionized large-scale productionmethods to put the automobile within reach of as many people aspossible. His charisma and business management have allowed him tosurround himself with great talents to provide the best technologies.Its story now belongs to the collective memory, in France but alsobeyond its borders.This comic allows us to set sail and let ourselves be transported on ajourney through a century of history, under the pencil strokes of thesepassionate authors for the happiness of all nostalgic fans!Screenplay: Franck COSTE – Monique UDERZO-OTTDrawing: Tomas ARANDA – Toni BARBER – Joan BOR – Alex CULLELL – JérômeEHO – LEKU – Marcel UDERZOColor: Max BAYO – Joan BOR – Claire DUMAS – WAHAB Z.IDEE PLUS Editions160 pages


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