Ceylon cinnamon cube
There's cinnamon and then there's real cinnamon! There are severalvarieties of cinnamon. Real cinnamon (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum or Ceyloncinnamon) features a delicate fragrance and contains several thin layersof curled bark. Real cinnamon should not be confused with Chinese cassiacinnamon, which is less aromatic and more bitter, but also a lot morecommon. Chinese cinnamon sticks come from a single layer of very thickand hard bark. Grind Ceylon cinnamon in the Lanka Shaker Mill at thevery last minute to release mouth-watering flavours and aromas ideal fordesserts (tartes, pies, etc.) and savoury dishes (squash gratin, pork,etc.).
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There's cinnamon and then there's real cinnamon! There are severalvarieties of cinnamon. Real cinnamon (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum or Ceyloncinnamon) features a delicate fragrance and contains several thin layersof curled bark. Real cinnamon should not be confused with Chinese cassiacinnamon, which is less aromatic and more bitter, but also a lot morecommon. Chinese cinnamon sticks come from a single layer of very thickand hard bark. Grind Ceylon cinnamon in the Lanka Shaker Mill at thevery last minute to release mouth-watering flavours and aromas ideal fordesserts (tartes, pies, etc.) and savoury dishes (squash gratin, pork,etc.).