Pepper red kampot - 3x20g
Red peppercorns reach full maturity in clusters on the vine, which iswhat gives them their delicately fruity notes and indulgent aromas.Red pepper...
The Peugeot Paris Prestige pepper mill is a remarkable piece. Itscomplete refinement marks two centuries of Peugeot history. Its heightof 1 metre 10 cm makes it a powerfully beautiful giant pepper mill. Thebody and head are produced from a single piece of solid wood, in tributeto the region where Peugeot originated, the Franche-Comté. Functional,it is equipped with a grind control knob located on the head to adjustpepper grinding, and a pepper mechanism that comes with a lifetimeguarantee. With a black lacquer finish, the Paris Prestige pepper millis the epitome of poise. The logo, sculpted in metal, alludes toPeugeot’s two hundred year history, the rolling of steel. The shinymetal plinth offers a magnificent base. Finally the metal cup, coveringthe pepper mill, gives the final touch
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The Peugeot Paris Prestige pepper mill is a remarkable piece. Itscomplete refinement marks two centuries of Peugeot history. Its heightof 1 metre 10 cm makes it a powerfully beautiful giant pepper mill. Thebody and head are produced from a single piece of solid wood, in tributeto the region where Peugeot originated, the Franche-Comté. Functional,it is equipped with a grind control knob located on the head to adjustpepper grinding, and a pepper mechanism that comes with a lifetimeguarantee. With a black lacquer finish, the Paris Prestige pepper millis the epitome of poise. The logo, sculpted in metal, alludes toPeugeot’s two hundred year history, the rolling of steel. The shinymetal plinth offers a magnificent base. Finally the metal cup, coveringthe pepper mill, gives the final touch. This unique pepper mill has itsown number, as one of a limited edition, accompanied by its certificateof authenticity.